
The Chanters participate in all of the church services including the weekly Saturday Vespers (seasonal), Sunday Orthros and Liturgy, weekday Liturgies and the monthly Eau Claire, WI, Liturgies. The chanters also support special services of the Church such as baptism, weddings, Memorials and Trisagion services.

The Chanters make a conscious effort to strike a balance between the Greek and English languages in the service music. This balance is to preserve Christian theology, as can be most completely understood in the Greek language, and to increase congregational understanding, by using vernacular English language translations.

Special effort is exerted by the Chanters to keep to the spiritual depth and beauty of the Byzantine form of music, by using musical materials that express this 2000 year old tradition.

The future endeavors of the Chanters include the continuation of training and rehearsal to improve their skills. Also, the Chanters encourage anyone interested to contact them. Special training is available to anyone interested.

Chanting Resources

Contact Person: Steve Arsenault (